How many times do you work out a week and what do your workouts consist of?

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I typically work out 6 days a week, for about 40 to 60 minutes a day. I do about 20 to 30 minutes of yoga daily. I use the giam A.M yoga for your week dvd. I do strength training 4 days a week and cardio 2 days a week. I bought the Women’s Health Big Book of 15 Minute Exercises, and it is AWESOME! It contains workouts for what ever area of your body you want to work on. Personally, it takes me longer than 15 minutes to complete a work out. My week consists of upper body, core, than running. My long term goal is to be able to run for an hour, as well as being able to do at least two strength training workouts at a time.

 I try to eat well, but as we all know that is so much easier said than done. I rarely go out to eat, which really helps a lot because you can control what you eat. Over the past few years I have eliminated most processed foods from my diet. In general eat a lot of protein; chicken, turkey and eggs, a good amount of dairy; 1% milk, low fat cottage cheese, low fat regular cheese. Fresh fruit (anything that particularly strikes my fancy, I like almost all fruit) Fresh veggies (baby spinach, tomatoes, carrots, celery, bell peppers, onions, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower). If I’m on a tight budget I’ll get frozen veggies and fruits (you can make smoothies with the fruit and milk). I eat nuts daily, almonds or walnuts usually. I rarely eat grains, but if I do I stick to whole grain (oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice, 100 calorie popcorn). My advice for anyone trying to eat healthier is to prep snacks ahead of time so they’re easy and convenient. I cut up veggies every week and place them into baggies for a quick snack. I also try to eat protein with every snack because it’s supposed to keep you fuller longer. And plan a “cheat” meal every week so that you don’t feel like you’re depriving yourself! I do what you do Ava, I eat 3 meals a day and 2 to 3 snacks. I also drink around 64 to 80 oz of water a day. I carry a huge water bottle with me to track how much I've consumed.

On a more personal note, I’m getting married this December and am trying to lose an inch (or two) and generally tighten and tone. I’ve lost a little weight but seem to be stuck, so I thought I would give up alcohol for the month of July as well as calorie count. Hopefully, that will give me an extra push in the right direction. :)

I should note, I’ve been slowly making healthy lifestyle changes for the past 5 1/2 years or so. I’m about 15 pounds lighter now than I was than. I started with the water thing, than started exercising, than slowly made changes to my diet. It’s amazing because if I get a little lazy with exercising or I make a few bad food choices or even don’t drink enough water I can tell the difference the next day. I feel heavier and sluggish and generally just icky. Feeling good, for me, is a better motivator that a number on a scale or even a dress size. I think when somebody feels good about themselves that confidence shows through!

ah, giving up booze. the most unpleasant healthy activity. ;)


Women's Health Magazine's website has a lot of free workouts and what not. The included link is a butt workout. If you're looking for more ideas you should check out the big book of 15 mintue workouts. It has detailed instructions and pictures for proper form. It has many options for various problem areas that women have, AND it has a workout called "save your back". I'm seriousy having a love affair with this book!

i'm dying to try juicing! did you watch "fat, sick & nearly dead"?

my husband and I are going to do the tough mudder, there's one close to where I live.  it looks intense but SUPER fun! besides, finger nails grow back ;)

I do Crossfit.

For those who don't know what Crossfit is:

I eat meat, a lot of saturated fat and veggies (also known as the paleo diet). I avoid grains and ugly processed carbs.

love it! what is crossfit? crossfit is PAIN! that's why we love it :)  I am wanting to do the paleo diet, we are using up all the grains and stuff in my pantry first, have you had good results with it? I want to lose about 6% body fat and I think that is the way to do it.  I already work out pretty hard, i do crossfit and pilates, I want faster results though.

I've been doing reformer Pilates. Over the last few years I've been trying to eat healthy. We eat mostly organic and I don't buy anything that is very processed, the most processed thing we eat is pasta. I'm about to start paleo diet

I work out 3-5 times a week depending on what's going on.  I usually do 20 min on the elliptical followed by 20-30 min of Pilates.   I've lost 80 lbs over the last 2 years.  My weight has remained steady for about the last year.  I'd still like to tone up and lose a few inches though.  I do however want to keep my curves.  :-)  I recently watched the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and read the book "Eat to Live" - since then I'm really trying to make an effort to eat more fruits and veggies, nuts/legumes and less animal products.  Its been a challenge thus far - I can only eat salad for so many days before I'm over it lol.  

I do light weight lifting (I have 8 lbs weights) at home simply because I don't want to go to the gym.  Pilates has been helping w/ the toning too.  Looking forward to the workout video!



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