Hey lovelies,

I was wondering what tips do you all suggest for a gal who's shadow hasn't darkened the door to a gym in six years. A little background about me: I have three babies at home ages 4-1 yrs old, a doting husband (who is bonkers about "curvy" chics), and I'm just you're typical housewife who is trying to lose a bit more than just baby weight (I'm currently 250 on a 5'6" frame with boobs and a Cuban butt.) I have changed my diet but that alone can't get me any farther. Stupid plateaus.  Any tips, tricks, and/or ideas would come much appreciated.


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I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids, too. My youngest is 1 and I still have some baby weight to lose. In the past I have gone to the gym to lose baby weight but I can't afford gym fees now. I think that going for a brisk 15-20 minute walk everyday may help a lot for us both. It may be fun if you take the kids, too.

Hi Sarah,
Being a mom is a huge job on its own let alone having to worry about food and exercise. Just start with 30 minutes of a brisk walk 3 days a week. It's important you have enough energy to keep up with your kids and housework as well. Be patient just cut down the sugar & carbs and get exercising. Slow
Results are better as they last longer! Good luck
Hi Sarah, kudos for wanting to get your health kick goin! All of the above are very good, also not eating at least 4hrs before bedtime and lots of water. If u ever get into weights start with 5lbs and do 3sets of 10-12 reps of whatever you do and if the last three reps are a breeze step up to the next weight where it's a challenge but not super difficult. Muscle naturally burns cals, so I would try to squeeze in some strength training at least 2 times a week :). Hope that helps a little and good luck!

To lose weight you should be on about 1200 cals per day - 300 per meal & 300 for snacks. Losing weight is about 80% nutrition and 20% excersize (approx.) So although you might be eating healthy your portion sizes could be too big. For example for dinner you want about 100g raw chicken breast (110 cals)  & the rest made up in vegies etc. - makes for a great stirfry!

Thank you all for your advice. I take the kids out to walk, bike, and stroll around the block with the hubby at least once a week. My hubby practices Parkour and trains in the gym at least 4 times a week. I just received a gym membership for a year as an early Christmas present from my mother-in-law (I just adore her!). The hubby is going to show me the basic ropes around the gym to get started. So I'm pretty excited about the whole ordeal. I've been keeping my calories around 1100-1200 a day and I'm also mindful of how I consume those calories. There's a lot of lean proteins, organic veggies, and whole grains in every meal. My hubby says to mix up the cardio and strength training. He's a huge advocate that everyone should do both even in their golden years.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress and thanks again for all your suggestions!



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