Hey Ladies,

  I feel like so often we get to know one another a little here online but not well enough. A Vintage page I am apart of on Facebook did this and it was really fun!

  Your significant other can be your partner, your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your children, your pets whatever it is share it! Tell us how you met or got this significant other, why they are so special and how do they deal with your fashion obsession with PUG and Pinup related goodies.

  I will start with mine. 

 This is Josh.

 We met at a Horror Convention over 2 years ago, his Blue eyes and bone structure got my attention. Though I obviously scared him because I literally had to wave him down and go talk to him as every time I would get close to him he would run off. It was hilarious and I still tease him about it to this day. We totally hit it off and it was a whirl wind relationship with its ups and downs, break ups and make ups. We are still together today and he is my best friend. 

  People often think we are brother and sister because we are built the same, have dark hair, light eyes, cheek bones and big lips, but we aren't... maybe we are just a tad narcissistic. We are both artists and have a passion for film, so he understands my obsession with fashion and clothes. Though he finds it hard to deal with how much stuff I have, and how little I get rid of things. I have an entire room dedicated to my clothing, design and make-up that he helped me paint, so I would say he is supportive. 

  We are currently engaged, with no date since weddings are expensive and we both have to save. This is my significant other, until we finally get a dog ;). 



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Everybody is so beautiful and I love reading these stories! I'll share mine. :)

This is my fiance Joe and me. We're getting married on October 13th, but we met back in 2007. The story of how we met is kind of funny. After a bad end to an even worse relationship, I was kind of depressed and lonely and just wanted someone to hang out with. I was home from college for the summer and I was not as close to my friends from home as I used to be, so I joined an online dating website. I actually met some cool people that I am still friends with, but I did go on a couple of dates, too. I was talking to this guy (we'll call him K) that worked at Best Buy and we agreed to meet for a coffee during his lunch break. While I was waiting for him at the store, another employee asked me if I needed help. Just then, K came up and introduced me to the other guy, his boss Joe. I remember thinking his boss was cute but I went on my merry way. K and I had a few dates before we decided to just be friends. That's when I got a message on the dating site from Joe. I didn't recognize him right away, but then I remembered who he was and we hit it off pretty well. We went on a few dates and the rest is history! I later found out that he knew exactly who I was when he saw my profile pop up lol. Glad to know I was memorable! :P

Joe still works for Best Buy and has been very supportive of my endeavors. When I got accepted to graduate school in New Hampshire (we lived in upstate NY), he gave up everything and moved there with me - and he proposed to me the month before we left. :) When I got a job at a museum back here in NY, I moved back and he stayed in NH for six months to tie up loose ends with his job and try to get a transfer here. It was hard, but it made me realize even more how much I love him and need him in my life. I can completely honestly say that I would be lost without him! He indulges my obsession of all things retro and agreed to do this theme for our wedding. I can't wait! Joe is an AMAZING cook (he's Italian-American) and a geek like me. We shared lots of our geek obsessions and now we share them (for example, I got him into Harry Potter, he introduced me to first-person shooter video games). 

PS: We also have two furry kids - a shelter cat named Lola and a roadside rescue kitten named Godric. They are both spoiled.

Ebony and I were pen pals from the age of 14. She answered a pen pal ad I had placed in an Australian alternative music magazine and from the very first letter we knew there was something special between us.

Since then we have been best friends/other halves. We lived in different cities so we didn't meet in person until a year after we began writing letters. Upon meeting we knew for certain that we were destined to go through life together even if it was just through hand written correspondence. It took 10 years and hundreds if not thousands of letters but today we share a house (which doubles as a library considering our mutual book obsession means the house is covered in thousands of them) with her boyfriend Luke and our parrot Ghibli and whichever native Australian wildlife she happens to have in care at the time. I am inspired by her every day and am happy in the knowledge that should I never find a typical significant other, I at least have the love of one of the finest women/people in the world.

Beautiful..both of you and your story! <3

Love this!

This is Dustin and I.  He's in the Army, but he doesn't have a normal "Army" job.  He's a musician and holds one of the most prestigious saxophone positions in the world, playing in the Jazz Ambassadors.  He tours the country playing jazz.  It's pretty awesome.  I'm a musician, too.  I play bass (both upright and electric) and sing.  We've been together for six and a half years and have played together professionally many, many times, including on Carnival cruise ships.  It's very cool to be in the same line of work and to share that part of our lives with each other.  We play video games and do other super nerdy stuff, too.  Looooooooove him.

My style is very eclectic and he is always supportive!  Like you, Micheline, my significant other finds it hard to deal with the sheer volume of the stuff I have, but we compromise as much as possible (and I buy him cool shoes to even it out...).

My other significant other is my puppy, Bowser.  He's a 15 week old black Newfoundland.  He's a genius!  I also have a cat, Zoom, but I don't have any good pictures with her!  I'll have to remedy that...

By the way, I'm wearing the green Erin wiggle dress in the first photo!

Not sure why my pictures aren't showing up...hmm...

This is my significant other, my best friend and love. This photo is of him with his current little girl. We met in 2005 at a haunted house in San Francisco. We started dating immediately after and dated for 5 years. We were engaged and then broke up and went our separate ways for 2 years. We have 3 little dogs together (our furry babies - 2 of which have been with us since day one just about.) We are currently back together, with a bun in the oven! And we are happier than ever.

He is my very best friend, he understands and supports me, as I do him. He FULLY embraces my obsession with vintage and pinup, because well, he loves old vintage cars, too! We both enjoy going to Vintage car shows and getting dressed up and enjoying ourselves.

He has my chinese name tattooed on his left wrist and a teddy bear (garfields pookie bear) on his ankle. Thats my nickname for him and I have a bunny with a honey pot on my arm, because he calls me hunny bunny.

I can't imagine my life without him <3.

Great topic Micheline! You and Josh make such a gorgeous couple ;)


This is my fiancé Oscar, we met May 18th, 2007.


So my cousin and her husband were trying for weeks to introduce me to their friend Oscar. I wasn’t looking to date anyone at that point after getting out of a long-term relationship just a year beforehand. And come to find out Oscar was fresh out of a short lived relationship as well. So after many declines to meet him, I finally took up my cousin’s offer and thought what can it hurt meeting someone new? My cousin tricked me into thinking that they will invite Oscar but with him under no impression that they were trying to set us up. I felt if I didn’t like him or we didn’t get along well, I could easily leave a BBQ as guest not as a blind date and not hurt anyone’s feelings.  


My cousin had the BBQ at her house that week, with all of my family there as well (talk about no pressure) and I met him finally... He was so handsome; he had this great smile and kept making these eyes at me all night. He was so surprised by how I was so talkative and cracking jokes and then he starting in with the jokes as well. Well to say the least we have been inseparable ever since... Now five years together, three years engaged I find myself more in love with him than the day we met.  Sure we have our ups and downs like any other couple and drive each other crazy but we have remained stronger, dedicated and happy because of it all.

Oscar is amazing because he has such a big heart, a great sense of humor, is brutally honest and protective. He loves and supports me to the fullest! He also shares many of the same interests such as my love of pinup, old school cars/ motorcycles, dia de los muertos skulls/style, music, food and too many things to mention. And of course knows when I am getting all dolled up not to ask are you done yet! I love him with every part of me and thankful that he came into my life.



I am truly blessed <3



Love this! Doggies are the best!

Demona? Brooklyn? Am I wrong to see a "Gargoyles" connection? :D
You dog is adorable, you just want to hug her and cover her nose with kisses!
It's funny because my cat thinks she is a dog: she loves to play fetch and she sometimes meows when someone knocks on the door!

Poodle dachshund mix... swoon. he is such a cutie!!!

I have three loves that make me feel like the most blessed woman on the planet!

I met my husband when I was lonely for Thanksgiving and went to visit a friend in Colorado (I live in Nevada).  She kept going on and on about how her boyfriend's best friend would be perfect for me and played matchmaker when we all went out one night.  I could tell right away that my husband was very shy, but he was so sweet and funny and we sang karaoke together all night long.  Then he walked me back to my hotel and was a perfect gentleman.  I kept coming out there and eventually things got serious enough for him to propose.

We now both live in Nevada and, a year and a half after our wedding, had a beautiful little girl named Story.  Then just a few months after she was born I got pregnant with the handsomest little guy ever, Link.  I feel so lucky to have found a man that can be an amazing husband and one of the most wonderful, caring fathers.  Even on bad days, when I think of my family, I am full of happiness.  

My husband jokingly (he's mostly joking, I think) gripes when I buy new stuff, but he never makes me feel like I'm in the wrong for wanting to look great.  He isn't the most fashionable guy on the planet, but he accepts that I strive to be the most fashionable woman, hahaha.  He also gave me the whole gigantic walk-in closet and we have an extra room with my make-up, nail art, painting, sewing, writing areas in it so I would say he is fantastically, superbly, terrifically the best husband a girl could ask for.

Story is a 2 year old little mini-me.  Just in love with make-up, shoes, and sunglasses already!  Feisty, stubborn, and prone to outbursts of frustration.

Link is almost 18 months and just like daddy.  Calm for the most part and a dead to the world sleeper.

I am the ultimate mom stereotype and want to post dozens of pics of my angels!

Here is a photo of my boyfriend Brian and I! We met about a year ago and became really great friends. It wasn't until about 5 months ago (a few days before Valentine's day) that we began dating and it's been love ever since! He's a super sweet guy and treats me like gold. We are going to California in a few weeks and looking for a place together for September. Couldn't be happier :D! 

P.S. I love redheads what about you?? 



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