How Pinup Girl gave this girl confidence.

This is my very first blog post, so please bare with me okay! It was probably about 8 to 9 years ago when I first discovered Pinup Girl clothing, only I was a teenager who lived at home and had no money to buy anything. So I just looked and dreamed one day I could freely purchase whatever I wanted! Well I can say I can freely do so now. When I was that teenager dreaming of wearing those dresses I saw on my computer screen I had a lot of baggage. I had severe body image issues. My older sister and my mother are both very thin, and I am not and never have been. Well growing up I was routinely picked on and made fun of for my weight and how I looked. I spent my nights on the computer looking at beautiful pin up models and all the silver screen vixens, and just hoped I could look like them one day. I started to do my hair and make up like I saw in the movies and even started to shop at vintage stores in my area. Well the wonderful reactions I received from people boosted my confidence 100 fold! So I kept doing it and figured out what looks good on my body and what made my body look good. I feel that modern clothes only accentuate the areas I still have image issues with, but when I put on a high wasted skirt or a flowing circle skirt I feel on top of the world and that nothing could ever bring me down!! All of a sudden all those image issues all dissipate! To this day I will always pull out all the PUG stops if I am having a bad day with my image issues to just show myself that I do look good and I look damn good! With out me Discovering Pinup Girl I dont know what  would have happened to me, but I am so glad that I did because it gives the  confidence I need to over come a terrible mental state that no female or actually any human being should ever have to endure in their lives. We are all created as individuals and we should embrace that and not care how others see us. One of my idols RuPaul once said " what you think of me is none of my business."

Thank you for letting me vent slightly and to get some of that baggage off my chest. I love the PUG community and all the girls here! Thank you.

Hugs and Kisses


Views: 291

Comment by Shy Anne on February 8, 2014 at 1:56am

Teenagers are renowned for having very little self esteem but I think you dealt with it in the best way possible. You did something that made yourself realize that you are beautiful in every way possible. 

I love the RuPaul quote! 

Comment by Aoife 24K on February 8, 2014 at 7:03am

Congrats Vickie on finding out what works for you. I just love that pinup is all about finding the inner beauty and expressing it outwardly. Sometimes other people can be insensitive and cruel. That is sad. But we must develop strength in ourselves. And luckily nowadays it is so easy to get support from our sisters via places such as PUG Style. Well done, my dear.

Comment by Vickie on February 8, 2014 at 3:53pm

Shy Anne I totally agree with you that teenagers and self esteem issues go hand in hand as I feel that is part of growing up, but when your family is a main part of picking on you or even putting you down daily it has a much larger impact then jut the local kids. It has scared me mentally for life or at least this far into my life.

Aoife you are completely right about pushing the inner beauty out for everyone to see, and the support system here has been amazing from all the other girls that I have met especially since I literally do not personally know anyone else who dresses or loves PUG, and the girlies in my area that dress in PUG or even rockabilly have never been very nice to me so I said why bother with them.

Comment by Ariana Bayer on March 22, 2014 at 4:33pm

i could have written this. yay for PUG!


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