Sara Harger


Rockville, MD

United States

Profile Information:

I love life. Enjoy deep conversation, learning, painting, drawing, music, movies. Very much into Mad Men right now. Love vintage fashion. Just graduated with a psychology degree, with a minor in philosophy.
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  • Deloris Anne

    I've been in this area most of my life. I actually grew up in the Twinbrooke area of Rockville until I was about 14. My parents still live in Shady Grove, but I live in DC. I do own a couple of dresses and skirts that I've purchased for PUG. I love them!!! They fit well and are very pretty. I like the pin up girl style, but sometimes it's a little racy for the office (LOL).

    I don't know what type of work you are looking for, but I work for the American Chemical Society and we are always looking for new people to fill various positions. You can check out our job postings by copying and pasting this link in your browser. I hope this helps you!

  • Deloris Anne

    Hi Sara,


    So good to hear from you! Just wanted to check in and see how the job search was going. Sometimes it's hard to find open positions during the summer around here. Students and interns are working during the summer. My fingers are crossed for you; hope something comes up for you soon!

    I have a couple of Bettie Page dresses that I just adore! I would like to find a nice vintage clothing store near where I live. I'm sure they're around, but I just haven't looked. There are so many facets to my personal style, it's hard to decide which character I want to be sometimes (LOL)

    Let me know how the job search is going and I will keep my eyes and ears peeled for any new positions that come up. Have a good day!

  • Sara Harger

    Hey Deloris,

    Thanks you checking in, I did recently get a job I start orientation on Monday, I am really excited!!!! I got a job at Helpinthehome, it is a company that assist people who deal with chronic mental health issues.

    That's too bad that you don't know of any vintage stores, but at least we have pug and Bettie Page. I definitely know what you mean about which character to be, sometimes I find that I don't have enough clothes for the kind of person I want to be on a certain day, (LOL). I do love that no matter what character I can always feel sexy and confident without showing too much.

    What have you been up to lately? Anything exciting?

    Talk to you soon. Again nice hearing from you.
