I decided to spin off this little plan to see if we get a bit more interest. I thought it might be fun to just try and schedule an informal evening for anyone interested in getting together and actually meeting each other. The Bahooka is a Tiki style restaurant in Rosemead, just north of the 10 Freeway. It would be so great if we could actually see each other in person. 


4501 N. Rosemead Blvd.


(626) 285-1241

Saturday October 20th, 7:30 PM

The decor there is amazing. The drinks are tiki-licious. And the food... well the food is OK.

I have not tried to make a reservation there yet. I thought that it might be better to make sure at least a few people are coming. So if you are a "maybe" and if you are a definite "yes" please write a reply.

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Ha hahaha, did they laugh at the reservation name? They'll think we're some "dog ladies" :PPPP

Thanks a bunch for organizing this all for us, Aoife! I hope the weather keeps warm that day. I am not ready for cold days yet....

Meeting at 7:30 pm, right?

Yes indeed!

Hi Ladies,

I won't be making it this Saturday but I'll see you all at the end of November!! =)

Those of us in attendance will miss you. But I know that all will be looking forward to seeing you in November. Thanks for the RSVP!

Take pictures on Saturday!!

Well the meet up happened last night. It was just Nilay and myself but we had a great time nonetheless. We got to get to know each other and talked all about shopping! What could be better. Plus we ate some pretty good food and had some crazy Polynesian style drinks. I took a few pics but I must admit that they are not that great. (Hmm, was it those drinks that impacted my photography skills?) I will consult with Nilay to see if they are worth posting.

It was great. This place was fabulous. Can't wait to go back.

It was10 pm, we were trying to leave but had so many other stories and stuff to talk about.... Another meetup is absolutely a must.

Well the two of us had an absolute gabfest. So maybe that is one of the reasons we hardly took any pictures. And I had somehow left my camera on macro mode so my pics of Nilay are totally out of focus. I could also blame those dangerously sweet Polynesian cocktails for impacting my photography skills. But I did get a photo of our flaming drink concoction. And Nilay managed to get a fairly good photo of me. 

I am sorry that you have been feeling so poorly Auburn. I guess that I would say that I had hopes that a few more gals would show up. But it turned out so wonderfully getting to hang with Nilay that I have only good memories. And I just want to thank Nilay publicly for coming and for being so accepting of me.

looks like you two had a great time... can't wait to check out the flaming drink... probably the first thing i'll order, lol!



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