Greetings Gorgeous Gals!

First off, welcome to all of our new members. This group is really starting to grow, how exciting is that? Most of the members seem to be located in and around the Los Angeles area, which means we must meet up.

Once the group reaches 100+ members, I would love to finally set up a meet up event.I would love to include a day of shopping at PUG then heading over to a nearby spot for drinks and food. Does this sound like something you ladies would be interested in? Do you have other meet up ideas?
If so, please voice your opinions.

Personally, I am up for anything. I love to shop, eat, mingle, and sip on delicious drinks. :)

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Hi Christina,

I have recently set up a group to encourage people to meet called The Big PUG Meet and Greet. I have loved the site and thought how great it would be to meet the people I've been talking to that share the same interests etc. LA seemed like a great place to start as there are so many members there, plus the boutique. Good central place with sunshine and great shopping! I decided to get a meet and greet under way and it's in the planning and preparation stages now which is great! 

Basically the aim is to get the interest and ideas together this year and for a huge meet to take place next year. I know people from Canada and New Zealand and all over California are keen to go (and me from England). Jenn has just set up one following this for Vegas and I'll be running a UK one too. It would be great if you ladies could get involved. Join the group, take a look and see what you think! At this stage everyone is putting down what they would want our of a meet and greet day, places to go etc. With the LA ladies inside knowledge of the place we can put together a pretty awesome day! Pleanty of time in advance so people can book hotels/flights etc and we can plan the perfect day with everyones input too.

Glad we are all thinking the same thing and how great it would be to hook up! :) x

Sounds like a great idea :) 

I'm in Buena park and there are plenty of shops and places to eat around the PUG location 



Shopping, eating, mingling, and sipping on drinks are my favorite things to do!

we should go tiki no afterwards! it's kind of in the same neighborhood as the boutique! as for food....i can't think of anything at the moment. but when i do think of something i'll be sure to post!

I definitely feel like a Tiki bar is a great idea! I am also looking into the cost of shuttle buses, something not to expensive that will pick us up from the PUG boutique and take us to a couple tiki bars. Once I find good prices for a shuttle bus I will post about and see who would be into it. 

I would love to meet like minded ladies.

I am not young. I was not born female.

But I feel young. And I feel like a glamour queen from the golden age of pin up.

So keep me posted. And If I would stick out like a sore thumb, I understand. No problem.

There is no criteria to be young and to be born as female.

As long as you're up for it, who cares for the age.

And even if you weren't born as a female, you're one now, so, you're in and with us ;)

Would love to meet you!!!!!!!!!!



I am also no spring chicken, I am in my mid thirties. It does not matter if you were born part frog, we are equals. Your pictures look fantastic! I am sure you would not stick out like a "sore thumb", we all have things about ourselves that are different from others. We will keep you posted about any future meet ups, I am sure we would all love to meet you. :)

Hi Auburn,

I am planning on being at the sale, I try to never miss these sales. 

spring chicken???? =D Never heard this one before. Made me laugh. Anyway, I guess, I am not one either.

I was gonna ask if you'all be at the garage sale, too.

I'll be there Sat morning briefly when all the great stuff haven't been picked out yet and because I have soooooooooooooo many things planned that weekend.

How to recognize eachother? I am a brunette with a blonde streak in the front :)

And if you recognize and call me, my name is pronounced as Knee-lie ;) 

No spring chicken here either! I'll be 40 in October! I plan to attend the sale as well and would love to meet everyone in this group who will be attending (that is after I finish shopping as it can get a bit crazy at the sales!).

I smell competition! I hope our sizes don't match. hee hee hee

Just jokin' :P




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