Hey it's me Tahitia again and I wanted to talk to you about bucket lists!

Life is too short, and It's because our time is so precious though that we all owe it to ourselves to make the most of it when we do have that odd free week or even a single day to ourselves, and to do the things that we've always wanted to do in that time before we kick the bucket...

Soooooooo, what I'd like to do is share with everyone a couple things to do from my own bucket list and hope that you're willing to share a couple of your own! I keep a running tally of my whole list on my Pinterest page if you're interested in checking them out, but for now these are the ones I'd like to share :)

Zip Lining over the Water! I absolutely love the water and have always wondered what it would feel like to fly over the surface like a bird and feel the wind around me, so this one's definitely a must do.

See Lady Gaga in Concert! Gaga is one of my biggest inspirations, not just because of her music, but her message of self acceptance, love and equality really is important to me, that and I've heard that she's an amazing showman in person and that her concerts are like nothing else that you've ever seen :)

So there's a couple things to do of mine and I hope you that you feel like sharing a few of your own :)

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I love your list! Apart from the running of the bulls (doesn't seem very animal friendly). And bungee jumping! No way in hell lol. Some of mine are sky diving (I'm terrified of heights), get a tattoo, shoot a gun (at a range and NEVER using live targets unless there are some heinous people around lol). Where can I get myself a giant champagne glass to splash around in? Please do tell cos I am a huge fan of that one :D!

Thank you so much Olivia! I love all of your ideas too, especially sky diving and I totally recommend getting a tattoo, especially if you have a design or symbol in mind that's close to your heart. I'm not really much of a gun person myself, but I totally wish you luck with that one.

Now about the bulls... you're right. There's just no excuse for how those poor animals are treated, bucket list item deleted :) Now I'll have to come up with something else in it's place. Luckily you've all been sharing so many ideas I should have no problem finding something!

Bungee jumping I can totally understand is not for everybody. I'll let you all know if I'm able to cross it off my list this year :)

As for the giant champagne glass though, it looks like you can buy one here from the UK based site Event Prop Hire. They're called Burlesque Dancer Martini Glasses but they might be only for rental though, I'm not sure. If you are ever able to get your hands on one PLEASE let us know how it works out and I promise to do the same if I can get one :)

Thank you for saying that you like this topic Melissa and so sorry for taking so long to respond to your list!

Going home is always special, I'm glad to hear that that's going to happen for you and yes I agree going to a PUG store event one day would be pretty awesome :)

Having your own gallery show would be incredible, I wish you all the best luck in making that happen and PLEASE post the pictures of the opening when you do :)

I have no idea why I don't go to more live music shows either... that's changing for me too this year!

I actually got to talk to a lot of people this past New Years Eve about the idea of being in Times Square for the big ball drop. I think that a PUG group get together could convince me to brave the cold and the crowd for an event like that :)

Thank you so much again for sharing!

Hey everyone! There've been so many beautiful lists and list items shared here in just the last month alone that I wanted to say thank you to everyone who's opened up and let us all see what you hope to get done in your own busy and crazy lives.

A great big special thank you for sharing has to go out to Dijana, I truly wish you and the special man in your life all the luck in the world in having a beautiful bucket list baby this year :) Everyone who's shared anything here though, thank you so much and I have to say you've helped give me more than just a few great ideas for things that I'd love to do as well (we're hoping to have our own bucket list baby one day, I can't wait to be a pinup/rockabilly mommy :) ).

I know it might sound mushy, but that really was one of the reasons I started this topic and I can't wait to see what other lists and list items you ladies post this year :)

So it's been a little while since I've shared any of my own list items though, so I thought I'd take a minute to do just that again :) Here we go!

Get a Tahitian Tattoo! I'm a great big fan of Polynesian culture, I'm in love with the Tahitian style of dancing and since I've always wanted to go to Tahiti (I should put that on my list just by itself) I can't think of any better way to make my visit to Tahiti a part of me forever than with an authentic Tahitian Tattoo done by true master of the art.

As you can see in the picture attached just GETTING the tattoo is an experience in of itself, what with the hammer stick and the comb made of sharks teeth dipped in ink.

Even though I don't know what kind of a tattoo design I'll get, what it would look like or heck even where it will go, there's just no way that I'm going to leave Tahiti without one.

I actually picked up a book on Polynesian tattoo's in general for inspiration a little while ago but I still can't figure out what I'd want mine to look like. Maybe it's the sort of thing I'll just have to leave for the island to inspire me, we'll see. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions from their own experience feel free to let me know :)

Dance in the Desert! This is just one of those crazy things that for whatever reason I've always wanted to do. To be in the open air, the flat earth around you with only the wind in your ears to just completely loose yourself and dance like however you want to like your the only person in the world.

Now what with going to Las Vegas this March for the big Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender you'd think that this would at least in theory be easy enough to pull off since my understanding is that there is NO shortage of desert around Las Vegas :)

It might not happen while I'm at Viva though since i"m planning on having the time of my life at the Orleans Hotel and taking part in and sharing all the awesome things going on there. I don't think that it would make much sense to take a road trip out into the sand just to dance by myself for a few minutes would it?

So even if this is something that I don't end up getting to do while my hubby and I are down in Vegas this March, I would still love to kick off my shoes one day in the flat sand and dance however I want one day :)

Maybe I'm over thinking this one... some little things like this you just have to let happen organically.

So there's a couple more things to do off my own list! Thanks again for sharing everyone and I can't wait to see what else you guys have planned :)

Hey guys! How's it going? It's been a bit since I shared any new bucket list things to do here, so I thought I'd let you all in on a few more things I'm looking to do eventually. So here we go!

Go To the Edwardian Ball! My hubby and I are really into Steampunk, and from what we've heard the biggest, best and most BRILLIANT Steampunk that you'll ever see IS the Edwardian Ball!

Steampunks, goths, Victorian recreationists, dancers, acrobats, singers, artists, and everyone in between can be found once a year for two days in San Francisco (also L.A. as well now) for the annual Edwardian Ball.

I would just LOVE the chance to get on that dance floor with so many other Steampunks and cosplayers from around the world. I definitely recommend looking up Edwardian Ball on flickr, I've heard that even those amazing pictures don't do it justice :)

It's definitely second only to Viva in terms of conventions that I want to go to :)

Learn to Sing! So like I've on my blogs I've been in a few burlesque shows now, so far keeping to dancing. What I'd really love to add to my repertoire this year though is singing.

I've gotten the chance to see a lot of singers at burlesque shows myself, and I've already put together a few ideas for routines based around singing. Now the only thing left to do is... well.. actually learn to sing ;)

Luckily an actress friend of mine's recommended a vocal coach that I'm going to start going to soon. I'm really excited about making this happen this year guys and I'll let you know how it all works out :)

Hey Brandi! I always love what you have to say doll :) You are definfitely right that the best songs really come from the soul, but reaching your full potential means having to recognize your own biggest weaknesses sometimes.

For me, it's the fundamentals of singing I need to work on. Learning where to be singing from, how to practice right, that sort of thing.

Yes the Edwardian Ball sounds wicked cool, if I could convince a group of pinup girls to give Steampunk a try I'd LOVE to make going there an official PUG event one day :)

I haven't given much thought to a "bucket list", I'm in more short term goal mode right now.  The biggest goal is to finish school, I graduate in december and hopefully start medical school next august.  If I can get into medical school and finish, I will be able to do everything else I've ever wanted to do!

Lets see, some things that would be on the "bucket list" would be:

Go to Amsterdam

Complete the ToughMudder Race

Write a book

Scuba Dive, especially go to the Bahamas or Belize and dive in the Blue Holes. http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/amazing-blue-holes/5243

Visit Antarctica

Hike in Patagonia http://www.rei.com/adventures/trips/latin/chile_fitz.html

Take Pole dancing lessons, maybe do some Burlesque


If I think of anything else, I'll let you know :)


I know what you mean about short term goals Cela, they're definitely more approachable and easier to see a path to making come true. I definitely wish you ALL the luck in the universe on getting into medical school, that would be SO incredible if you could get in and finish :)

Everything you wrote down would be very awesome to do, especially scuba diving, and I can guarantee that someone with an eye for styles, outfits and looks like yours would do VERY well at burlesque if you ever decide to give it a try :)

P.S. I LOVE your eBay Finds Series posts ;)

Go to Germany! I have been studying the language and I would love to spend a month there at-least. Yet I would settle with a week. Just travelling in general and seeing Europe. 

That's an awesome one Natalie! I've always wanted to go to Oktoberfest myself, and it's really cool that you've been learning the language too.

To just travel around and see Europe in general would be pretty amazing wouldn't it?

It really is fantastic that your hard work and creations are out there now Brandi, I can't wait to review them for my blog!

I'm sure those poems will get published, and I can't wait to read them when they do :)

This is still such a great post and so great to see you're knocking some things off of it. :) 

Mine are as follows: 

Finish Editing my book and write two sequels 

Go to more car shows 

Learn bellydance (or any other kind of dance, I love to dance)

Find a tattoo artist I trust with my skin and have my first tattoo done up (I already know exactly where/what but so far I don't really like the quality of the tattoo artists around here) 

Get a picture with the Eiffel Tower 

Be in a Pinup Calendar 

Get another dog (I really miss having one) 

Join another Roller Derby League (because I also miss that) 




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