Hey Ladies,

  I feel like so often we get to know one another a little here online but not well enough. A Vintage page I am apart of on Facebook did this and it was really fun!

  Your significant other can be your partner, your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your children, your pets whatever it is share it! Tell us how you met or got this significant other, why they are so special and how do they deal with your fashion obsession with PUG and Pinup related goodies.

  I will start with mine. 

 This is Josh.

 We met at a Horror Convention over 2 years ago, his Blue eyes and bone structure got my attention. Though I obviously scared him because I literally had to wave him down and go talk to him as every time I would get close to him he would run off. It was hilarious and I still tease him about it to this day. We totally hit it off and it was a whirl wind relationship with its ups and downs, break ups and make ups. We are still together today and he is my best friend. 

  People often think we are brother and sister because we are built the same, have dark hair, light eyes, cheek bones and big lips, but we aren't... maybe we are just a tad narcissistic. We are both artists and have a passion for film, so he understands my obsession with fashion and clothes. Though he finds it hard to deal with how much stuff I have, and how little I get rid of things. I have an entire room dedicated to my clothing, design and make-up that he helped me paint, so I would say he is supportive. 

  We are currently engaged, with no date since weddings are expensive and we both have to save. This is my significant other, until we finally get a dog ;). 



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I love this thread; reading about other couples’ stories always makes me happy. Whenever we meet a new couple I want to know how they met and got together... this thread has inspired me to make my first post (as opposed to just being a lurker)...

My other half and I have known each other as long as we can remember...

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/599434_1015199048130...This picture is from our ‘nursery leavers book’ where we were both aged four. Marcus was my "first boyfriend" and I’d always told my Mum I was going to marry him; she laughed it off...

We re-met when we were 14 and both into baggy pants, KoRn and hanging around in the woods with ‘like minded’ people who all went to different schools around the area. He had a girlfriend, who hated me for no real reason as I was very shy and geeky and didn’t speak much to anyone...

Our first kiss was a drunken accident when we were 17 in a club that we were definitely too young to be in (after he left the scary girlfriend! Of course). It happened for two weeks, without pre-lude or discussion and then didn’t happened again...

At aged 18 I got my first grown-up boyfriend, who all of our friends hated; except for Marcus, who made him feel really welcome and would sit and talk to us when we were together, as opposed to everyone else.

Over the years we have watched each other through different relationships and the other was always there in the background; we were never great friends but we always made time for each other and caught-up when we could. I found a stash of my old diaries recently where I was lamenting over him; but really I was more concerned with feminism and grrrl rock than dating.

When we got back to our hometown after University I met him one day walking down the street I worked on; he was off buying a bottle of wine to watch one of his friends bands. We had an awkward moment where we didn’t know whether to hug or not and I made an excuse to get my train... As I walked off we had one of those super-cheesy film moments where we glanced back at each other and then carried on walking.

That February was our old friends wedding, who I’d set up ‘back in the day’. I really didn’t want to go as I was feeling out of touch with my old gang since coming back from uni but I had a new PUG dress and couldn’t not show my face...

It was no-where near as bad as I’d expected and at the end of the evening Marcus asked me and my friends what we were doing; we decided we’d all go to the local pub to carry on the adventure.

After the pub closed we went back to my parents with two more of our old friends and in the morning he text me saying we should meet up again; I assumed he meant as friends although I knew I was always going to be secretly swooning over him, just as I used to. We text for the next month until he confessed one night that he couldn’t just let things carry on without letting me know he “really liked me... is that really bad?”

Two and a half years later at age 25 (that’s 22 years after we first met, kids!) we are still together and have lived together for a year and a half!

We coped while I went travelling in Australia for six months and through countless other offences (him in Morocco, India...). He’s my best friend and I feel thankful every day that I scored such a keeper. He looks after me; even though I pretend I don’t need it and he never loses his temper with me, even if I am a stroppy diva sometimes...

We talk about marriage all the time, but first we want to buy a house; an old cottage and do it all up ourselves (homewear, PUG?!) I am so lucky in that he likes all the things I do! Our rental property kitchen is all red and white polkadot and there are flowers and vintage items everywhere! My best friend made us a patchwork draft excluder at Christmas that has “Charli & Marcus” stitched on and it’s my pride and joy!

As for my clothing obsession... his side of the wardrobe is just as full as mine; he collects vintage coats, which are all massive and take up far too much room (sometimes I stash them in the spare room and hope he doesn’t notice so there is more room for my dresses...!)




Discussion Forum

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